Furiosa - Performance Maximizing Pre-Workout Capsules
Furiosa - Performance Maximizing Pre-Workout Capsules
The mark of any real sports nutrition company is the quality of its pre workout. Often among the first, if not the first, products released when a brand debuts, a well-formulated pre workout will endear a company to millions, while an unremarkable, utterly mundane pre workout ushers you to the corners of obscurity, of which there are many in the ever-expanding pre workout niche.
By now, you know that Apollon Nutrition doesn’t f*** around when it comes to pre workout supplements. We’ve done them multiple ways -- caffeine-only, stimulant-free, focus-heavy, thermogenic, and more.
Suggested Use
FURIOSA contains everything needed for optimal performance, both on the field, in the gym, or at work.
Due to the potency of this product, we suggest starting with a half-serving (2-3 capsules) and assessing tolerance before trying a full serving.
Stacking Options
While FURIOSA is a complete pre workout and productivity supplement, it may also be stacked with the following: