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train hard, dominate the competition, and achieve peak performance, with the critical nutrients your body needs - Apollon Nutrition

train hard, dominate the competition, and achieve peak performance, with the critical nutrients your body needs

If you want to train hard, dominate the competition, and achieve peak performance, you must fuel your body with the critical nutrients it needs. Plain and simple.

This means eating a healthy diet full of high-quality protein, healthy fats, and the right carbohydrates. But, even with a nutritious diet, the targeted application of the right research-backed nutrients can help you take your performance to heights unimagined and unlock those deeper gains.

This brings us to everyone’s favorite topic -- supplements.

More specifically…pre workout supplements.

Pre workouts exist for the specific purpose of infusing your mind and muscles with premium ergogenics (“performance enhancers”) to help it train harder, last longer, and overcome the mental and physical rigors of grueling training or competition.

Hooligan has been, is, and always will be our flagship pre workouts supplement.

It has been the benchmark by which all other premium hardcore pre workouts are judged.
Over the years as the industry and sports nutrition research has evolved, so too has Hooligan.

That brings us to the current and, in our opinion, best version of Hooligan to date -- HOOLIGAN v007!


What’s in Hooligan v007?

Hooligan was already unmatched as the premier hardcore pre workout supplement on the market.

It included not only a “high” dose of caffeine (one that’s also backed by human research) but also full doses of other ergogenics including (but not limited to):

  • L-Citrulline
  • Beta alanine
  • Betaine
  • Tyrosine
  • Alpha GPC

So, you might be wondering how we improved an already top-tier product. Well, let’s discuss…


Double-Action N.O. Pumps!

Hooligan 007 contains an additional 2,000mg of L-Citrulline, bringing the total citrulline content up to a heaping 10,000mg per full serving!

As you probably know, L-Citrulline is a superior option for increasing plasma arginine levels which is the “fuel” the body uses to generate nitric oxide.

Greater nitric oxide production improves vasodilation, nutrient delivery, blood flow, and PUMPS!

You might also know that the body has two independent pathways for producing nitric oxide. The first, we already mentioned: Citrulline → Arginine → Nitric Oxide.

The other pathway, which some would say is even more powerful, is the nitrate-driven pathway (nitrate → nitrite → nitric oxide).

For the first time ever, we’ve added nitrates into our flagship pre workout, to the tune of 4,200mg NO3-T Arginine Nitrate. This results in a total nitrate payload of 1,092mg!

This dynamic duo provides strong, long-lasting pumps coupled with increased performance as the citrulline-fueled NO pathway has a quicker onset compared to the nitrate-fueled pathway which is longer-lasting.

Regardless, with Hooligan v007 your performance and pumps will remain strong throughout your training sessions and into whatever “nighttime activities” may ensue.


More Focus

Hooligan 007’s focus and motivation blend sees a bit of a revamp as we’ve trimmed some ingredients from v6 in order to up the dosage of other ingredients, including L-Tyrosine, Alpha GPC and Theobromine.

The new and improved Hooligan delivers an impressive:

  • 3,000mg L-Tyrosine
  • 800mg Alpha GPC 50%
  • 500mg Theobromine

Tyrosine is the amino acid the body uses to produce dopamine -- a highly important neurotransmitter involved in mood, motivation, decision-making, and motor control. It’s also been shown to help improve resilience to stress in light of highly taxing endeavors, like the kind of training sessions you should be having when using Hooligan v007.

Alpha GPC provides a highly bioavailable form of choline that serves as the backbone for acetylcholine (the “learning neurotransmitter”). In addition to helping you learn, acetylcholine is also involved in memory and the mind-muscle connection.

Theobromine is a chemical cousin of caffeine that provides smooth, sustained energy (which complements the fast-acting, harder-hitting energy imparted by caffeine). It also promotes vasodilation and aids cerebral blood flow, thereby supplying the brain with more oxygen and nutrients to maintain focus and cognitive function during and after intense physical activity.


Enhanced Performance

At the end of the day, a pre workout is only as good as its ability to help you lift more weight for more reps during training. Hooligan has always prioritized performance over flavor, and v007 is no different.

Hooligan v6 contained 3,200mg of the endurance-boosting, tingle-inducing Beta Alanine. For v007 we’re doubling the amount, taking it all the way up to a whopping 6,400mg!

For those of you that love the tingles, get ready -- there’s a whole lot headed your way!

We’ve also upped the dose of Betaine Anhydrous to an impressive 5,000mg. Betaine functions as an osmolyte that helps maintain cell volume and integrity. Essentially, betaine can help your muscles to absorb more water, thereby supporting greater hydration, stamina, and fatigue resistance.

Betaine also serves as an important methyl group donor and may enhance creatine bioavailability.

Up next is another cell-saturating ingredient in Taurine -- an amino acid that, in addition to supporting cell hydration, also acts as an antioxidant and has been found to boost endurance and athletic performance.

Also keep in mind that Taurine and Betaine support “water-fueled” pumps, while L-Citrulline and Nitrates fuel nitric oxide-based pumps.

Last, but not least, we’ve added Senactiv -- a blend of Panax notoginseng and Rosa roxburghii extract that increases the activity of an important enzyme that helps your muscles to naturally generate more ATP -- the cellular currency of energy production. Senactiv also helps remove old cells and aids glycogen replenishment.


What About Caffeine?

Let’s be real -- Hooligan initially jumped into the spotlight for its 600mg serving of caffeine. Over the years, Hooligan’s caffeine content has fluctuated.

In a surprising maneuver, v007 actually contains less total caffeine per serving than its predecessor. BUT, before you think this is some dull, crying, and sorry for itself Daniel Craig version of Hooligan, holster your Walther PPK -- Hooligan 007 still punches harder than any other pre workout.

Every full serving delivers a full 350mg caffeine anhydrous plus 200mg dicaffeine malate, meaning that every serving of Hooligan 007 contains a total of 500mg caffeine.


Hooligan v007 is HERE!

We’re cinephiles at heart (if you weren’t aware just check out the names of our supplements or check out Robik’s IG channel). In naming the newest edition of Hooligan (v007), it’s clear we’re paying homage to the greatest gentleman spy of all time.

As such, make sure your serving of Hooligan is shaken (not stirred).

Then, get ready to kick ass and rise above the competition!

-- From Jersey with Love.




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